|He had never really notyiced the wonderful little patterns blood made when it mixed with shampoo. Wonderful crimson little curls and arcs, like one of those fractals illustrations he had seen in a math textbook while trying to kill another boring lecture in high school. It was really quite beautiful.
Something stirred in the back of his brain but he couldn't quite bring it to the forefront, so he shoved it aside, obviously it wasn't very important. He returned his gaze to the blood beneath slowly mixing with the greenish shampoo; the patterns slowly becoming more intricate as the two liquids merged.
Probably something to do with the whole oil and water thing, diatomic atoms or whatever semi latin words they used to describe that effect. His brain lurched on the question of whether, blood had water in it. Of course it did, why else would it be all liquidy like that?
That thing at the back of his tugged at him again, but he still couldn't pick it out.
The shampoo was almost completely red now, well not red nessacarily more of a greeny red, and the patterns had all but dissappeared, washed over by the large amount of blood now slowly lining the bathtub.
The thing at the back of his brain moved a little closer into focus.
Why is there blood in the bathtub? That wasn't right, was it?
After a few brief moments of internal debate, he decided that, no it wasn't. Of course what he could be expected to do about it he wasn't sure. This wasn't really the sort of thing one encountered on a daily basis. There certainly hadn't been any drills in school for this sort of thing. Now if the bathtub had been on fire, or in the middle of an earthquake, that, he could handle; but blood? No one had prepared him for that.
Another thought slowly crept into his mind, one that, as it's true meaning slowly dawned on him filled him with a sudden sick feeling.
I have blood in me. I need it to live.
He pushed that thought down, of course, that couldn't be his blood, if he had lost that much blood he could hardly be sitting here watching the blood slowly mix with shampoo in all sorts of wonderful little swirls now could he? No, he would be much more likely to be slumped over sideways, unconcious, or dead.
Of course.
It wouldn't hurt to check now would it?
I mean, if that is my blood, I think i have a certain right to know about it.
He liked this thought, it sounded like a good idea.
He looked down at his legs. Or at least where he thought his legs should be. They seemed to be missing at the moment. So, thinking he might have better luck with his hands, he tried looking at them. This time he did have a bit more success although he wished he hadn't. His arm was there, but it was twisted, obviously broken in at least 3 spots; and covered completely in bright, wet blood.
"Well thats not right." He spoke aloud to the echoey bathroom. Or, at least, he thought he had spoken aloud. He tried again, but he still couldn't hear his own voice.
That's certainly odd. he filed that thought away to be dealt with at a later time. One thing at a time right now.
He turned back to his arm. Or, at least, he thought he turned, his vision had shifted, but he hadn't felt his flesh touch the cool bathtub walls when he did so. He tried shifting again, this time his vision landed directly on his own mangled and bleeding face staring back at him. A thoughourly undignified look of shock plastered accross it.
He tried to change it, but the face just stared back with cold, dead eyes.
This was to much, he had been perfectly happy watching the crimson swirls and arcs, but now he was staring at his own stupid dead face that refused to do as he told it.
It must be a thursday, never could get the hang of thurdays.
He cracked a smile at the joke. Or well, he thought he did, but the face staring back at him, his face, just stayed frozen, pathetic as ever.
"Enjoying yourself?"
He jolted, the sudden voice had sent a bolt of shock down his spine. \He turned to see the mystery speaker.
"Who the-?" He tried to splutter out, but again his voice seemed mysteriously absent.
"Oh yeah, that, you'll get the hang of it." The voice was coming from a handsome blond haired man in a nice suit sitting lazily on the bathroom sink, " sonuvabitch took me forever to figure out For a while there you could only hear every other word, made dinner conversation a helluva lotmore interesting I'll tell ya that." A small grin split the mans face and his eyes glanced in the direction if the tub.
"Well i suppose you'll be wanting to know whats goin on then won't yah?"
he felt himself say "yes." Though no sound emerged.
A smile split the mans face again, revealing two rows of perfect, pure white teeth. He looked like one ofthose guys you would see in ads for private schools.
"Right, well, short version. You're dead."
The two words didn't really seem to stick, he must've heard him wrong. Dead? How could that be, he was right here, watching the little arcs and curls. Weren\t you suppose to go to some sort of heaven or hell when you died? Not...your bathroom, the very thought was ridiculous.
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